Chinese-speaking Work
The Chinese-speaking work involves shepherding more than 5,000 members in the diocese. Our ministry extends to children, youth, families, seniors and new immigrants!
Our Chinese work originated during Pentecost in 1856.
As the Chinese-speaking missionary work progressed, the diocese established the Chinese Diocesan Council in 1931. Later in 1952, the Chinese-speaking Department was established and was renamed as Chinese Working Committee in 1961. During this period, the four Mandarin-based parishes, St. Matthew's Church, Holy Trinity Church, Church Of The True Light and Church Of The Good Shepherd, together with St. Andrew's Cathedral (Mandarin) jointly established the Anglican High School in 1956.
As The Diocese of Singapore gained independence, on 7 April 1970, Singapore and West Malaysia were divided into two dioceses, and the "Board of Chinese work of the Anglican Diocese of Singapore" was formally established. In 2002, the Board of Chinese Work established the "Lay Leaders Committee'' in order to strengthen the connection between the lay believers and the diocese,
The Board of Chinese Work is a member of the Mandarin Churches of the Four Denominations in Singapore and has actively organised and participated the ministry.
The Board of Chinese Work celebrated its 50th Anniversary on 28th November 2020. We are grateful for the faithfulness and grace of God in the past, and we look forward to walking with you on the path of grace in the future!
随着华人宣教事工的进展,教区在1931年成立了华文议部(Chinese Diocesan Council),于1952年成立华人事务部,并于1961年改名为华文工作委员会。期间,圣马太堂、圣三一堂、真光堂及善牧堂四个华文牧区,连同圣安德烈座堂华语部,于1956年携手创建了圣公会中学。