
Our Beliefs

What we believe is professed in the Three Creeds - Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed and Athanasius Creed. The creeds were developed since the early days of the Church to summarise our faith.

The Creed binds Christians together as a believing community, across different traditions and practices. As we say the Creed, we join Christians past and present, and from all over the world, in proclaiming our common faith.

The Trinity – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

The Bible teaches that there is ONE God, and there are THREE persons – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity). The Bible affirms that each of these three persons has divine attributes, titles, and actions and accords to them the worship that is due to Deity.


Man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Adam and Eve sinned, and through them sin entered humanity (Genesis 3). All have sinned and fallen short of God’s standard (Romans 3:23). Man is incapable of redeeming himself. In order to overcome this dilemma, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of humankind (John 3:16). Through His perfect sacrifice on the cross (Hebrews 10:14), He paid the penalty of sin (Mark 10:45), and we now have access to God through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:18; Hebrews 10:19). Jesus is the only way to God (John 14:6).

To enter the Kingdom of God, one must be born again by the Holy Spirit (John 3:3-8), by repenting of our sins (Luke 5:32) and receiving Jesus into our lives as a Saviour, Lord and God (Romans 10:9; 1 Timothy 4:10). We are to live our new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), in faith and obedience (Romans 1:5), by offering ourselves as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1) and be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

The Church

In the New Testament, the Church means an assembly of believers. Literally, it means the called out ones. The Church is the body of Christ. Christ is the head of the body (Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18). He is the source of life and has authority over the body. Like different parts of the body, there is diversity within unity in the Church (1 Corinthians 12:27). The term “church” is used in two ways: universally to refer to all believers in Christ, and locally to refer to an assembly of believers.


The Church is called to witness. The call to witness lay at the heart of Jesus’ final instructions to the apostles to evangelize the world (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8). The responsibility to make disciples of all nations should not rest on a few individuals in the Church but on the Church corporately. There are two sacraments in the Church – water baptism and holy communion. Remember that a sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.

Water Baptism

Water baptism is part of the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:18-20) It is the first step of obedience to Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38).

Holy Communion

Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper commemorates the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross. Twice at the Last Supper, Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” The Apostle Paul says that every time we take part in the Holy Communion service, we “proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes” (1 Corinthians 11:24-26). We not only remember His death in the past but we look forward to His return in the future.

The Second Coming of Christ

One of the events that every Christian can look forward to is the second coming of Christ. The New Testament repeatedly announces that Jesus Christ will one day be back. Christ will return to this world in glory.

The second coming will be sudden, personal and physical, visible and triumphant (Matthew 24:44; 2 Thessalonians 1:10; Revelation 1:7). It will result in the end of human history, resurrection of the dead and the final judgement of the world (John 5:28-29). It will give God’s children their final glory and bring in new heavens and a new earth.

Christians are to live in readiness at all times for the second coming of Christ.