
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

Answering to the challenge of planting a church at Bedok, members from Golden Harvest Centre and St Andrew's Cathedral started Bedok Extension Centre (BEC).

Subsequently, BEC came under the leadership of St Hilda's Church. With a vision for BEC to provide chaplaincy support to the St Hilda’s Schools, the congregation moved into the St Hilda’s Schools’ compound in Tampines. BEC eventually became Chapel of Christ the Redeemer (CCR) and was granted Parish status in 1989.

Currently, Chapel of Christ the Redeemer is the only Anglican Parish providing chaplaincy to both a primary and a secondary school, serving around 3,000 students and their families.

Want to know more? Click to watch the full video!

Prayer Pointers for Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

1) Leadership renewal

Pray that both the English and Chinese Congregations will raise and disciple new lay leaders and full-time workers.

2) Chaplaincy work in the St. Hilda's Schools

Chapel of Christ the Redeemer (CCR) serves as the school chaplaincy team to both St. Hilda's Primary School and St. Hilda's Secondary School.

- Pray for greater partnership with the school leaders and teachers.

- Pray that volunteers and workers to come onboard to be part of the chaplaincy team.

3) Outreach & Evangelism

Pray for the church as they equip and mobilise members for outreach and evangelism.

4) Chinese Congregation

- Pray that CCR's Chinese Congreagtion for renewed passion to continue with the Chinese work despite challenges

- Pray for the outreach work to the people in Senior Care Centre (Tampines 117) and for the New Immigrants Ministry

About Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

Parish of the Week Run to Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

To find out more about Chapel of Christ the Redeemer, head to their website using the link below.